Paper + Pencil Studio Sampler from Follow Violet Band
Artifacts of learner work
Click here to access examples of learner work from Violet Band’s first Paper + Pencil Studio.
You can see a video that captures this first Paper + Pencil studio, and you can access Kaylie's lesson plans on the Follow Violet Band page.
Post-it notes on the PDF you will be viewing represent areas in which a learner was asked to go back and look more carefully at their work and re-consider a problem. The day after this Paper + Pencil Studio, Kaylie put a post-it note on top of problems she found on each child’s Paper + Pencil Studio that needed to be revisited. She wanted to be able to still see the original thinking so she asked them not to erase: “Being able to see your original thinking and your new version together give me evidence of your learning — together, these make a complete artifact so please don’t erase. Instead, use the post-it and put any revised thinking on the post-it note on top of your earlier work.”